Preserving, Protecting and Promoting
Sustainable Albacore Tuna Trolling in the Pacific
Welcome to Pacific Albacore Trollers Association. Home of the proud, yet humble, Jig Fishers using an age old sustainable method of fishing exclusively for Albacore (the white meat tuna) that America is so fond of. We were the ones who first introduced this " Fancy Fine" tuna off the West Coast of the US when the Salmon canneries on the Colombia River were slowing down their production of Salmon & Canneries in San Pedro, CA. had a chance to can between their seiner boats. Albacore quickly became the # 1 choice of tuna in the US not only because of the white color of the meat, but for the nice mild flavor that dose not leave a fishy after taste.

Dangers of Overfishing
Most countries recognized that driftnets harm too many marine species to remain an acceptable form of fishing.
The United Nations tried to ban driftnets in 1989 starting in the south Pacific. By 1991 the destructive fishing method was evaluated & by 1992 the UN made a moratorium on high seas driftnets allowing 1 mile of net to be legal.
Albacore Trollers were NOT in agreement! We want & need a clean fishery. We need a total BAN on the High Seas or in International Waters.
PATAI Membership
Although we are primarily off-shore jig boats, our membership includes all bait boats, charter boats, sport boats, and businesses that benefit from the albacore troll (jig) tuna industry.
Your membership enables us to represent our industry so we have a louder voice at international and local and region meetings.
You will also have the privilege of voting on issues at our annual meeting.