
Pacific Albacore Trollers Association International

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Our goal is to preserve, protect and promote sustainable albacore trolling in the Pacific Ocean.

  • We are primarily the “off shore” albacore boats and fishermen.
  • We started out as the “Midway” Fishery in the late 70s.
  • We then evolved to the “South Pacific Fishery” in the late 80s.
  • We returned to the north pacific in the early 90s after the United Nations banned drift nets and prospered. 

Unfortunately, the fishery collapsed in the early 2000s upon the return of the IUU driftnet fleet. 

We would like to regain this fishery and maintain the health of the species for future generations of sustainable albacore fishing across the pacific.  We are “trollers” and cannot compete with driftnets or pair trawling for the same species. 

We can only thrive with a clean and sustainable fishery. 

We are known as the # 1 sustainable method of tuna fishing in the world.

We believe its worth saving!

Illegal driftnet fishing has been decimating our oceans for two decades now and the albacore tuna populations are diminishing.

The Marine Stewardship Council sets the standards for sustainable fishing, and drift-net fishing has NEVER been approved.

Laws exist against driftnet fishing but they are overwhelmingly ignored and unenforced.

The Pacific Albacore Trollers' Association is a 501c 6 non-profit formed for the purpose of representation to ongoing commission meetings voicing concerns of the fishery from the fishermen. Also include a website, ( ) to pass on information, news, & updates pertaining to the organization & fishery. Are aim is to Preserve, Protect & Promote sustainable tuna fishing in the Pacific Ocean.

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Albacore Tuna Sustainability